Clare Woodhouse

Clare Woodhouse

Clare graduated from the University of East Anglia, with a BA in European Cultural Studies followed by a Diploma in Law. Thereafter, she went on to do her LPC at APU in Chelmsford.

Clare did her training contract at a small high street firm in Norfolk called ‘Hood, Vores and Allwood’ before qualifying as a solicitor in 2004. She worked for 3 years at a firm called ‘Ward Gethin’ where she specialised in family law before moving to Jersey.

In Jersey, Clare worked at ‘Mourant’ for 13 years, in their Family Legal Aid Department as a senior associate.

Her specialisms include children matters, both public and private, as well as matrimonial and personal injury work.

She has also completed the Mind course and is a qualified Mental Health First Aider. Until recently she was a trustee for the Jersey Child Care Trust.

Clare has two lovely children who she spends as much time with, outside of work as possible. 
